2023 Required Paperwork for All Twilight Camp Attendees
Register online. Please print out a confirmation page and turn in to your Pack Twilight Camp Coordinator.
BSA ID number. Include with registration confirmation page delivered to your Pack Twilight Camp Coordinator.
Full payment. Due no later than registration deadlines - either the early deadline if you are getting a discounted price or regular deadline.
BSA Annual Health and Medical Forms Parts A and B. Include immunization record and copy of front and back of insurance card. These will need to be turned into your Pack Twilight Camp Coordinator.
Register online. Please printout a confirmation page to be turned into the Camp Director.
BSA ID number. Included with registration confirmation page delivered to the Camp Director.
Full payment. Due no later than regular registration deadline.
BSA Annual Health and Medical Forms Parts A & B. Include Immunization record and copy of front and back of insurance card. These will need to be turned into the Camp Director.
Register online. Please print out a confirmation page and turn in to your Pack Twilight Camp Coordinator.
Full payment. Due no later than the regular registration deadline.
BSA ID Number. Included with registration confirmation page turned in to Pack Twilight Camp Coordinator.
BSA Annual Health and Medical Forms Parts A and B. Ensure tetanus date is listed and include a copy of front and back of insurance card. These will need to be turned into your Pack Twilight Camp Coordinator.
Adult in-Camp State Compliance Form. A background check is done on each adult in attendance.
Youth Protection Training Certificate. Or, each Twilight Camp Coordinator can print out through My.Scouting.org a YPT training report and provide with all of the paperwork.
Sexual Offenders Texas Database Check. Print out check and turn into your Pack Twilight Camp Coordinator.
In addition to the paperwork above required for all Adults, we also need Any Station Volunteer Certification – Ex. Shooting Sports. This is turned into the Camp Director.
Weather Hazard Training Certificate. This training is taken through My.Scouting.Org and the certificate should be turned into the Camp Director
1st Aid/CPR Certifications. If you are certified, and turned into the Camp Director. If you have an interest and would like to get certified, please let us know. We will provide you options for training.