Information for Twilight Camp Pack Coordinators
Does your pack want to lead one of the opening or closing flag ceremonies, prayer or do a skit on the last day?
If so, please let us know at
Each Pack in Attendance Must Have the Following Volunteers
Twilight Camp Pack Coordinator
Help answer your pack's parent questions about Twilight Camp. You will be invited to attend one of many informational sessions to get all of your questions answered.
Help get volunteers and campers registered from your Pack.
Be the liaison between the Camp Director and the Pack.
Help turn in all paperwork to the Camp Director.
Help make sure all payments are made for Twilight Camp.
Deliver Twilight Camp tshirts to your attendees prior to camp.
You may attend Twilight Camp but don't always have to be one of the attendees.
Walking Den Leader
Walk with your Den to and from stations. Help the Campers at the stations as needed.
Campers will be put into dens of 10 – 12 Scout campers. Packs bringing more than 10 campers will be put into more than one den but will be kept in the same Patrol.
Webelos and Arrow of Light Scouts will be in separate Dens and Patrols.
Packs that have less than 10 campers will be paired up with another Pack.
There will be 2 Walking Den Leaders needed for each den every day. At least one from each Pack if the Pack is paired up with another Pack.
Help the Scouts complete projects such as den flags, etc. that are completed during the lunch break.
Keep Scout Spirit alive at Camp by getting the Scouts to do cheers and yells.
Patrol Leaders
One Patrol Leader is needed for every 3 to 4 Dens.
Each Pack that brings 15+ campers will need to provide at least 1 Patrol Leader.
Takes roll daily of all dens.
Is the communication for the Patrol to the Dens.
Has extra training in Emergency Procedures and will report any issues directly to the Camp Director.
Dens follow the Patrol Leader to and from Stations each day.
Keep Scout Spirit alive at Camp by getting the Scouts to do cheers and yells.
Station and Administrative Volunteers
Each Pack needs to provide at least one general volunteer daily. In regards to working stations, the program will be planned. It just needs to be implemented. Most volunteers will also be paired with several Junior Staff volunteers.
Typical Opportunities Include:
o Shooting Sports – Certification Required
o Registration/Paperwork Management
o Closing and Opening Ceremony Implementation
o Crafts
o Games
o Water and Supply Administration
o Webelos Area
Questions? Please contact us at